CSLSA Bylaws

CSLSA Bylaws are rules that govern our organization in accordance with the national bylaws. They enumerate the association's purpose and objectives, powers, dissolution, and parliamentary authority while detailing the bylaws that manage our membership, Board of Directors, Executive Board, meetings, committees, dues, seal and amendments.

CSLSA Bylaws: Amended and Approved October 13, 2017

CSLSA Policies and Procedures

Our CSLSA Policies and Procedures manual serves as an appendage to our Bylaws and provides the modus operandi for specific areas of management, including Administrative, Operational, Financial, and Competitive. Its Appendices contain a Chapter Application Form, a Revocable Proxy Form, CSLSA Competition Guidelines, and JG Lifeguard Competition Guidelines.

CSLSA Policies and Procedures Manual: Updated October 7, 2022