Current Edition
The Cal Surf News is the official publication of the California Surf Lifesaving Association and is written by professional lifeguards for professional lifeguards, related aquatic safety professionals, junior lifeguards and the general public. The purpose of the Cal Surf News is to support the CSLSA and the USLA, both non profit organizations, whose mission is to promote beach safety awareness and professional open-water lifesaving standards through public education, training programs, exchange programs, competition and other means. Ultimately, the CSLSA and the USLA work hard to prevent and reduce aquatic injuries, accidents and fatalities at open-water beaches.
Click here for the current Cal Surf News Articles
The DISTRIBUTION of the Cal Surf News is bi-annual with a summer and winter edition. As of April, 2008, the printed and bound Cal Surf will no longer be distributed due to high production costs. However, all CSLSA members will receive an electronic version via email. Also, current and past editions are available online and can be downloaded and/or printed from .
ADVERTISING opportunities for the Cal Surf News exist for the summer and winter edition each year. Open-water lifesaving equipment and supplies are naturally attractive to the professional aquatic safety audience. Medical equipment, training equipment, competition equipment, safety related products and supplies are welcome in the Cal Surf News.
Advertising RATES for a single edition are:
(rate discounts are available for multiple editions)
$125 half page
$180 full page
For more information contact